Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life as a Teen Mom

Today we have Ashlee from Momchalant. She is adorable. And wise well beyond her years. You'll love her.

Anyway, enjoy.

I had my son as a teenager. I was very dependent on my parents for just about everything in my life. I didn’t even know how to cook ramen noodles if that says anything.

My boyfriend and I moved in together to get a taste of adulthood before we entered parenthood. Thankfully, we didn’t rip each other’s heads off. But I’ll admit, two years later and we’re still trying to figure everything out. Being an adult is harder than it looks.

Being a teen mom has taught me a lot. I’ve seen the good and the bad sides of it.

So I present to you 5 good/bad things about being a teen mom.

5 Good Things About Being A Teen Mom
1. If my son tries to pull a fast one on me, I probably pulled that myself three years ago, so I’ll always be two steps ahead of him.
2. I can help other young women in my situation. And scare the ones that are too stupid to put a condom on by showing them a picture of my son pooping in the bath… I bet you they’ll be wearing condoms in no time.
3. My son gave me a purpose and helped me figure out what I want to do in life. I didn’t even have to attend college or change my major 3,000 times.
4. I believe being closer in age will give my son and I a different, stronger kind of relationship.
5. I bond with young women and older women. While I have being a teen mom in common with the younger women, I also simply have being a mom in common with the older women.

5 Bad Things About Being A Teen Mom
1. The judgmental comments. People never stop bitching about what they think is “wrong”.
2. I lost all but two of my friends. Well, I should say “friends” because the real friends dealt with my raging hormones and stayed inside with me for 10 months.
3. I don’t have my teenage body anymore. I used to be that girl that could eat cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner without gaining even half a pound. Now the cheeseburgers go straight to my love handles and muffin top.
4. Life is really expensive. I was only a kid myself so the financial struggle has been heavy.
5. Sometimes, I miss my youth. I miss being carefree, going to music festivals, and doing what I wanted when I wanted.

Even through the bad times, being a mom, no matter your age, is freakin' awesome. I may get some evil glares and rude remarks for being a teen mom thrown my way, but at the end of the day, I’m at home laughing and smiling with my son.

You can also find Ashlee on:

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